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Workshop on Decision and Control

·408 words·2 mins


Innovation Space, Room 2.04, Level 2, Birch Building, ANU Campus

Day 1, April 4, 2024

0845 – 0900Coffee and Welcome
0900 – 0930Brian Anderson (ANU)Closed-loop near extremal optimal control
0930 – 1000Peter Dower (UniMelb)Min-max and stat game representations for nonlinear optimal control problems
1000 – 1030Wynita Griggs (Monash)Unique Ergodicity in Feedback Control, and its application in Intelligent Transportation Systems
1030 – 1045Coffee Break
1045 – 1115Daniel Quevedo (QUT)Bandit Algorithms for Channel Selection in Remote State Estimation
1115 – 1145Mengbin Ye (Curtin)Adaptive-gain control of replicator dynamics in population games
1145 – 1215Tim Molloy (ANU)Extended Kalman Filtering for Online Discrete-Time Inverse Optimal Control
1215 – 1330Lunch Break (Not Provided)
1330 – 1400Robert Mahony (ANU)Symmetry in Systems and Control
1400 – 1430Mehdi Ghazavi Doezein (Monash)Frequency Control Analysis in PV-Rich Power Systems: A Dynamic Equivalence System Identification Approach
1430 – 1500Michael Cantoni (UniMelb)Structured stability analysis of networks with uncertain links
1500 – 1515Coffee Break
1515 – 1545Philipp Braun (ANU)Robot navigation through cluttered environments: A Lyapunov based control design approach
1545 – 1615Rini Akmeliawati (Adelaide)Integrated trajectory planning and passivity-based control (PBC) with human learning behaviour (HLB) for a hyper-redundant robotic manipulator
1615 – 1645Iven Mareels (Federation U)TBC

Day 2, April 5, 2024

0845 – 0900Coffee
0900 – 0930Ian Petersen (ANU)The Negative Imaginary Grid
0930 – 1000Erik Weyer (UniMelb)Data driven construction of exact non-asymptotic confidence regions for parameters of linear systems
1000 – 1030Jochen Trumpf (ANU)An Internal Model Principle for Non-linear Observers for Repeatable Systems on Manifolds
1030 – 1045Coffee Break
1045 – 1115Jason Ford (QUT)Hallucination in Bayesian quickest change detection
1115 – 1145Iman Shames (ANU)Best Response Convergence for Zero-sum Stochastic Dynamic Games with Partial and Asymmetric Information
1145 – 1215Daoyi Dong (ANU)Several results on quantum parameter estimation and quantum system identification
1215 – 1400Lunch Break (Not Provided)
1400 – 1430Tal Shima (Technion)Cooperative Guidance for Pursuit
1430 – 1500Jasmin Martin (UQ)Bayesian quickest change detection for hidden Markov models with applications
1500 – 1515Coffee Break
1515 – 1545Carlos Murguia (QUT)Privacy in Cloud Computing through Immersion-based Coding
1545 – 1615Yanan Liu (Newcastle)Measurement and Control design for random-telegraph-noise mitigation by spectator qubits
1615Closing Remarks