Title: Analysis and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Multi-agent System via Blended Dynamics Approach
Time, Date, Location: 10:00, Friday, 3 February, 2023, Brian Anderson Building Seminar Room
Abstract: This talk emphasizes that a group of heterogeneous multi-agent dynamics exhibits an emergence of new behavior when some parts of the dynamics are enforced to synchronize, and the new behavior can be represented by the so-called blended dynamics. This fact is utilized for analysis of the behavior of coupled oscillators and for explaining how a large number of agents in a group can enhance the robustness of the group. The fact, when viewed in a different angle, can also be used for synthesis of a heterogeneous multi-agent system intended for distributed computation. We demonstrate a few applications of the designs in this talk. A discrete-time version and a hybrid system version of the blended dynamics theorem are also discussed.
Bio: Hyungbo Shim received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from Seoul National University, Korea, and held the post-doc position at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since 2003, he has been with Seoul National University, now the director of Automation and Systems Research Institute. He has served as an associate editor for Automatica and IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control. He is the general chair of IFAC World Congress 2026. His research interests include stability analysis of nonlinear systems, observer design, disturbance observer technique, secure control systems, and synchronization for multi-agent systems.